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Scripting - Record INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT

iDialogue scripts may create or update Salesforce records from customer experience (CX) rooms.

Examples of common interactions including

  • Recording a quote selection
  • Updating context information

Record I/O Best Practices

It is generally best practice for a script to update a checkbox or DateTime field on a Salesforce record to record an interaction. Then let a record-trigger flow execute more detailed DML or record modification.

Scripts should implement AJAX and asynchronous handlers when POSTing to the /records API.

Scripts should handle exceptions gracefully, protecting the end user from experiencing full stack traces.

Records are created and updated on-behalf of the iDialogue OAUth user established under the iDialogue Admin “Quick Start” tab.


The script records API provides:

  • API Endpoint
  • One POST body request
  • A JSON representation for records
  • An API response body


The API endpoint can be constructed by concatenating the roomContext.url prperty and /records.

var apiUrl = context.url + 'records';


The API supports only POST requests. The request method property determines the context of record INSERT, UPDATE, or UPSERT.


The POST body contains the following properties.

var request = {};
request.orgId; // (Optional) Provided in REST URL path
request.roomId; // (Optional) Provided in REST URL path
request.origin; // (Reserved)
request.storedProcedure; // Reference to a MDT develper_name with predefined DML rules.
request.method; // (Required) Valid values: INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT
request.type // (Required) The SObject type. Opportunity, Contact, etc...
request.externalField; // Required if method is UPSERT
request.records; // (Required) An array collection of Salesforce records for DML.


var response = JSON.parse( xmlhttp.response );
response.success // (Boolean) true if operation was successful.
response.message // Contains high level error message if success === false
response.errors // Array collection of detailed error messages.
response.orgId // Reflects the provided request value.
response.roomId // Reflects the provided request value.
response.origin // Reflects the provided request value.
response.storedProcedure //Reflects the provided request value.
response.method // Reflects the provided request value.
response.type // Reflects the provided request value.
response.records // Array collection of records.
// For INSERT method, the records contain their new ID.
// The individual SRecords will also contain success and message
// properties in the response.


The records property in the API Request and Response defines the following properties:

var sRecord = {};; // Required for UPDATE and UPSERT operations.
// 18-char ID reference to a Salesforce record.
sRecord.type; // The Salesforce record type. Example "Opportunity", "Contact"; // Required for INSERT. The record Name (if name is a required field).
sRecord.fields; // Map collection of key/values.
// Key: API name of a field
// Value: String field value.

API Examples

Query Quotes and Update Opportunity

The following example queries all quotes associated with an Opportunity, then updates a custom field on Opportunity to designate the customer selected Quote.

function queryQuotes(){
var queryURL = roomContext.url + '/query';
var queryRequest = {};
queryRequest.query = "SELECT Id, Name, TotalAmount FROM Quote WHERE OpportunityId='" + roomContext.masterRecordId + "' LIMIT 100";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", queryURL );
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json" );
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", roomContext.sessionId );
xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify( queryRequest ) );
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
var data = JSON.parse( xmlhttp.response );
// Render response
function updateSelectedQuote( selectedQuoteId ){
var updateURL = roomContext.url + '/records';
var opportunityRecord = {}; = roomContext.masterRecordId;
opportunityRecord.type = "Opportunity";
opportunityRecord.fields = {};
opportunityRecord.fields["CustomerSelectedQuote__c"] = selectedQuoteId;
var updateRequest = {};
updateRequest.method = "UPDATE";
updateRequest.type = "Opportunity";
updateRequest.records = [];
updateRequest.records.push( opportunityRecord )
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", updateURL );
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", roomContext.sessionId);
xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify( updateRequest ) );
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
var response = JSON.parse( xmlhttp.response );
if( response.success == false ){
// Handle response.message and response.errors here
// Render response