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Generate a QR Code

Generate a QR Code within a flow using the “QR Code Action”.

This action accepts 3 input parameters and returns a URL to a QR Code image.

The image is hosted on the domain.

Flow Action

Drag a flow action onto the flow canvas.

Type “QR” to to find the “QR Code Action” type and select.

This will appear if the image fails to load

QR Code Input Values

Data Value to be encoded in QR Code. Could be a website, URL, product number, etc…

Height QR Code image height (pixels)

Width QR Code image width (pixels)

This will appear if the image fails to load

QR Code Output Values

The URL link to the generated QR Code is provided in the Output Value “QR Code Image URL”.

Assign this value to a variable. Then update a custom field, send an email, SMS, etc… using the image URL.

The Success and ErrorMessage values are used for error handling.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Example URL Result:

This will appear if the image fails to load