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Posting Slack Channel Messages

Post any iDialogue or Salesforce event to a Slack channel.


Create an account at Free starter accounts are available.

Create a Slack App

From Slack’s admin settings, click on “Create a Slack App”. This will appear if the image fails to load

Incoming Webhooks

Select app type “Incoming Webhooks” This will appear if the image fails to load

Add Incoming Webhooks

Activate incoming webhooks and click on “Add New Webhook to Workspace” This will appear if the image fails to load

This will appear if the image fails to load

Salect Workspace and Channel

Select a Slack Workspace and Channel to receive iDialogue and Salesforce event messages. We recommend creating a channel named #salesforce for starters.

Copy Webhook URL

Copy the auto-generated webhook for the selected channel. This will appear if the image fails to load This will appear if the image fails to load

Configure Interactivity URL (Optional)

Slack messages can include link buttons to Salesforce records. Clicking these links may display an interaction warning.

To remove this warning, select the Interactivity & Shortcuts option for the app and set the Request URL to

This will appear if the image fails to load

Flow Builder

Launch Salesforce Flow Builder and identify an event to raise a Slack message. Drag and drop an “Action” element onto the flow builder canvas. This will appear if the image fails to load

Flow Action “Slack Message”

Search for the action type “Slack Message” and select. This will appear if the image fails to load

Slack Message Input Values

Customize the message to be sent to Slack using the flow action input values (see table below for complete details)

This will appear if the image fails to load

Slack Message Input Values

Action Input ValueData TypeDescription
Slack Channel Webhook URLURLPaste the webhook URL for the Slack channel
Record Button EnabledBooleanEnables a button link to Salesforce Record ID
Record Domain URLURLFor messages that provide links to Salesforce records. The base “My Domain” URL.
Record IDIDFor merging {{fieldname}} tags in the Slack text message body.
Record Link TextTextWhen Record Button Enabled is True, creates a link using this text
Slack HeadlineStringThe desktop notification headline.
Slack MessageStringThe message posted to Slack channel. May contain {{fieldname}} tags and Slack markdown formatting.