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Object Type

Tag object labels can be mapped to 4 types of Salesforce objects:

  1. Master Record

  2. Related Record

  3. Table Row

  4. Global Record

Master Object Type

Select a Master Object Type.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Select Object Type.

This will appear if the image fails to load


If Object Type selected is Related Record, select its Source.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Merge Tags

View Tags tab to display list of merged tags discovered in the document

This will appear if the image fails to load

Tag Value Types

1.) String

All Salesforce text fields are rendered as type “String” in template documents.

2.) DateTime

Salesforce fields of type DateTime may be formatted and merged into Word documents.

{{DateTime format=””}}

3.) Currency Salesforce native currency types are detected and auto-formatted to use 2-point decimals and commas. The currency symbol is auto-detected if multi-currency is enabled in the org. Otherwise, the actual currency symbol may be defined as a tag prefix or using the currency=”$” attribute.