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Dynamic Content Using Formulas

iDialogue supports the embedding of dynamic content using Salesforce formula fields.

Example: “If Shipping Country equals US, then append a contract clause about US Shipping”.

To inject a US shipping clause into a document, select the master record type. In this case the “Opportunity” record.

Custom Formula Field

Create a custom formula field of type Text.


Create a macro IF( ShippingCountry = ‘US’, ‘Text to display’, ‘Else alternative text’ )

Note: The maximum number of displayed characters after an evaluation of a formula expression is 1,300.

Name the Custom Field

Name the custom field: “Contract_US_Shipping_Clause__c”

Insert a tag into the Word document where the clause should appear. {{Opportunity.Contract_US_Shipping_Clause__c}}

Upload, validate, and generate a PDF from a test record to validate text formula.

Dynamic Contract Clauses

When text formula fields return a value that starts with clause__ (double-underscore), it’s assumed the dynamic content is defined in the Contract Clause library, and what follows clause__ is the Developer Name of a Clause custom metadata type.

The contract clause library is accessed from settings. Search for Custom Metadata and select “Manage Records” for the “Contract Clause” metadata type.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Create a new clause by defining the following fields:

  1. Clause name
  2. Clause Developer Name (referenced in formula fields with clause__Developer_Name prefix)
  3. Active enabled
  4. The clause text to be inserted into document template (replaces a formula field tag mapping) This will appear if the image fails to load

Clause Formula Field

Create a Text formula field on the document template master record with conditional logic that returns one, many, or blank strings.

If the returned value starts with clause__ then the clause library content Text is used in the document template. Use the Developer Name when returnin clause values. Example clause__Guarantee__Clause.

Map the custom formula field to any document template, as you would with any other tag builder field. Many formula fields may be defined for many conditional clauses. This will appear if the image fails to load