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Report Source

A Salesforce report can be used as the data source for a batch process.

Verify the Batch Report Source Selector is on the Batch Definition page layout to use report sources.

Keep the report simple.

  1. The report object type must match the batch definition object type.
  2. Any number of report filters may be applied.
  3. The report must be grouped by the record ID.
  4. Any number of columns may be included, but are not required or used by the batch process.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Batch Definition

  1. From the Batch Report Source Selector, select a report to be used as the batch source.
  2. Upon selecting a report source, the report source name and ID will appear in the page layout (update page layout if these fields are not displayed by default)
  3. The report source must match the batch definition source.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Batch Execution

The batch will extract the records from the report.

For each record in the report, a document will be generated per the document template and merge tags.

Report Source Limits

Reports must be grouped by the record ID.

Reports up to ~5,000 records are supported. Larger batch definitions should use an optimized query instead of a report output.