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Batch Definition

A batch definition is a template from which many batches may be run.

Upon selecting the iDialogue Admin application, go to the “Batch Definitions” tab.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Create a new “Batch Definition” record.

This will appear if the image fails to load

Batch Definition SettingDescription
1NameThe name of the batch definition
2Notify on Finish UserReference to a user to receive notification when batch has completed. By default, this is the user who started the batch
3Attach Documents to RecordWhen enabled, documents generated during the batch are attached to their source record
4Attach Documents to Batch RecordWhen enabled, documents generated during the batch are attached to the batch instance record. For email delivery, must be enabled
5Document FormatOptions are “PDF” or “Word”
6Content Document Template IDID of the Salesforce File to use as the template. Open a Salesforce File that has been mapped using the tag builder and cut-n-paste the ID from browser URL
7File Name FormatThe name of the file to be generated. Tags surrounded by double curly braces are field names on the object to be replaced during the batch generation. In addition to fieldnames, the tags {{Date}} and {{DateTime}} are supported
8Notify on Finish MessageThe email message sent to the Admin user upon completion
9Object API NameName of the Salesforce object in the scope for the batch run
10QueryThe Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to extract the records for use in batch run. The tag {{AllFields}} is replaced at runtime using all fields on SObject.
11Email From AddressUsed in the next stage and copied to the batch instance.
12Email From NameUsed in the next stage and copied to the batch instance.
13Email To FieldUsed in the next stage and copied to the batch instance.
14Email Template NameUsed in the next stage and copied to the batch instance. A reference to a classic email template name.
15Schedule Cron ExpressionAdvanced setting for scheduling the batch to run on a recurring timer.
16”Run Batch” custom buttonLaunches a preview of the batch to be confirmed for execution.