Generative AI for Salesforce

Learn to manage, deploy, configure and build Generative AI applications for Salesforce. From document automation workflows to AI Assistants, record insights, email content, landing pages and more.

Gain experience with leading enterprise AI tools from OpenAI, iDialogue and Salesforce CRM.

Who is iDialogue Academy for?

Customized learning plans and journeys for your specific goals.


Salesforce Partners

Your customers seek your expertise, guidance and experience to help them implement innovative solutions using AI, and make their existing Salesforce orgs and processes more efficient.

This course provides your team with a crash course in the capabilities of Generative AI, LLMs, Prompts and GPT Flows. Plus provides a DevOps framework for mapping capabilities to solutions and repeatedly delivering AI solutions.

This results in increased revenue from AI Quick Starts, project implementations, ChatBot branding and grounding and even recurring revenue from your pre-built AI Models and Agents on the iDialogue AppStore.

Salesforce Partners

Leaders & Managers

Leaders need a foundational understanding of Generative AI to effectively delegate resources and capital.

This course identifies the leading causes of AI project failures and how to avoid them.

Understand the AI DevOps lifecycle so that you can lead AI-driven initiatives in a reliable and repeatable manner.

Learn to effectively define new job descriptions and build new teams through the hiring, retention, onboarding, and training process.

Leaders & Managers

Business Analysts

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the new programming language for the AI-era. Learn to "meta-define" processes and create prompts that take an AI-First view of Marketing, Sales and Support processes.

This course will expose you to a range of capabilities for use in solution design and system implementation, without the need for any coding.


Salesforce Admins

Expand your responsibilities to enrich records with generative AI content, provide AI Assistants, analyze documents and more.

Learn how to implement successful, low-risk AI projects first. Then scale up to progressively more intelligent and complex AI Agents. Learn AI security and privacy best practices.

Learn AI compliance and monitoring best practices to ensure your AI systems are reliable and secure.



Extend Flow Builder and Apex with generative AI applications and services. Learn grounding prompt, AI Skills and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) techniques.



Become a GPT "Power User". Get a competitive edge by generating content that accelerates any Marketing or Sales process.

Generate emails, documents, and personalized landing pages. Learn semantic search techniques that retrieve files and records from natural language queries.


AI Architects

Become a trusted partner to your clients and peers by establishing best practices for rapidly prototyping, testing, and deploying AI applications and services. Guide teams through a continuous sandbox-to-production AI process. Lead AI capacity planning and resource utilization exercises.

AI Architects

Three unique learning paths and certifications aligned with your goals.

Your Course Advisor will help create a Customized Learning Plan (CLP) uniquely aligned with your organizational or personal goals.

Receive AI certificates that you can share on LinkedIn profiles or resumes.

Certified professionals gain access to iDialogue customers, project RFPs and inquiries for certified AI professionals.

Certification Types

  1. GPT Specialist / Admin

  2. AI Practitioner / Developer

  3. AI Expert / Architect

About the Instructor

Michael Leach

Experienced software engineering leader. Michael joined Facebook in 2010 to lead the Business Applications team and implemented a DevOps process that scaled people, multiple lines of business, and revenue towards a multi-Billion dollar IPO in 2012.

A Salesforce ISV Partner since 2005, Mike is at the forefront of Generative AI and has architected a new DevOps methodology (see Kaizen) to accelerate the deployment of AI-driven solutions on Salesforce CRM.

Michael Leach

Equip yourself with AI.

Start learning now to advance your career with Salesforce.

Sign up for the course

Course Overview

Your Customized Learning Plan (CLP) will include a subset of these course modules.

Getting Started

Salesforce Dev Org / Sandbox / Production

OpenAI Developer Account

OpenAI Playground

OpenAI API key

iDialogue for Salesforce

Generative AI Basics

Document generation evolving to Generative AI

Generative AI Manifesto

Prompt Fundamentals

GPT Tokens

GPT Completions

Exercise: In Playground

AI Models and Skills

Add AI Assistant to Case

Case record prompts

Editing the Case AI Model

Add a ChatBot Skill


Grounding Prompts

System Prompt Templates

Grounding prompts with CRM records

Describing SObjects for use in prompts

Exercise: chatbot with many skills

Flow GPT Basics

Record trigger flows

ChatBot initialization flow

Exercise: Email to Case

Document Processing

AI Document Processing Overview

Text extraction / Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

File GPT Basics. Chatting with Files.

Flow extraction of document details


Exercise: Process an uploaded file

Document Generation Patterns

Static doc merge

Dynamic document content

Flow triggered doc gen

GPT doc gen

Enrichment Prompts

Defining document compliance rules (Enrichment skills)

Contract setup and analysis

Exercise: Document Compliance

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Writing an AI Model evaluation script

Asserting AI model behavior

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Add a semantic search skill to Case model

Create a VectorSpace of chatBot knowledge

Index a Document Library / Search multiple files

Customer Experience (CX) Chat Bots

AI Rooms

Customer Facing ChatBots - Safety controls, grounding and steering skills

Exercise: Email to Case AutoResponse / ChatBot

Batch Processing

Push vs Pull generative AI experiences

Batch record summarization

Exercise: Account summary batch

Kaizen: AI DevOps Methodology

Test-Driven-Development (TDD)

AI Model / Skill Development

Package, Publish and Deploy

Onboarding and Enablement

Ongoing monitoring and alignment


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone interested in deploying AI applications to Salesforce, learning about AI fundamentals, customizing existing AI Models, or building their own custom AI Assistants and GPT Flows.
How is this course presented?
Upon enrollment you will receive instructions on how to get started, creating OpenAI and iDialogue accounts, and scheduling an initial orientation with your Course Advisor. A Customized Learning Plan (CLP) is prepared based on your organization or personal goals.
How many Customized Learning Plans (CLP) can I receive?
One CLP is created per course enrollment. You can register for unlimited learning plans.
Are eLearning certificates provided?
Yes. Upon completing the CLP, your Course Advisor will meet with you to review your course exercises, help answer any open questions and issue a certificate. There are 3 certificates: Specialist, Practitioner, and Architect/Expert.
What is included with the training course?
Two personalized video training events. Customized Learning Plan. A Salesforce Developer Org (or your own Sandbox/Prod org). An OpenAI enterprise API playground. A one-year subscription to iDialogue Developer Edition, which includes 1M AI tokens per month (extendable using your own OpenAI API key). Access to course modules, videos, and guided exercises.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The course is self-paced and must be completed within one year to receive a certificate.
Is there an exam? Is it possible to pass or fail the course?
There is no exam. Most learning plans include hands-on exercises. There are no wrong answers to exercises. Generative AI rewards creative solutions. Your Course Advisor just needs to validate exercises were completed in order to issue a certificate.
Why does this course focus exclusively on OpenAI?
Every AI Course must choose between providing a breadth or depth of information. A breadth-optimized course with many LLMs is limited to common denominator features, like prompts and chat experiences. Breadth curriculums are oriented towards consumer and hobbyist audiences. For Enterprise AI applications, the depth of AI features includes LLM, security and privacy, prompts, functions, skills, flow invocation, document processing, embeddings, vector spaces, semantic search, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and batch processing. This depth of services in one tech stack is made possible by OpenAI. This results in faster, cheaper and centrally managed enterprise applications.
What security, trust and privacy topics are taught?
The course teaches AI compliance DevOps workflows using the security and trust material published at
Are Salesforce Apex, Lightning or coding skills required?
No. In general, Generative AI is geared towards no-code Developers using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to deliver rich, generative experiences without any coding. However, all iDialogue API features are also available as global Apex classes for custom development.
Is this course offered to groups or teams?
Yes. Contact us for group pricing. We can help train and onboard your Salesforce team to rapidly learn basic AI and GPT concepts, or advance your Architects and Developers to evolve existing AI applications.
Does this course cover Salesforce Data Cloud or CoPilot?
No. There are separate trailheads for those topics. iDialogue Generative AI and Einstein AI can be deployed in harmony. Discuss with your Course Advisor if you have a specific integration request.
Does this course require use of ChatGPT?
This course does not use the consumer ChatGPT experience. The course encourages use of the OpenAI Enterprise API and teaches students how to securely implement a ChatGPT-like experience within Salesforce.

AI DevOps Lifecycle

Kaizen AI DevOps Framework

Once an AI application or Agent is deployed it then undergoes continuous monitoring to ensure it's behavior is in alignment with objectives. This course teaches the Kaizen AI DevOps methodology for reliably testing, deploying and monitoring AI applications on Salesforce.

Learn about Kaizen
Kaizen Lifecycle